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Senior Correspondent

How to Try Again

How to Try Again


Sometimes you feel like quitting. It might be after a big win or before a huge challenge. Maybe progress is slow or the goal is out of sight.

Quitting is most tempting when pushing through matters most. Success is taking another step, again.

12 Things to Do When You Feel Like Quitting 

  1. Think of someone who didn’t quit. My dad was the toughest man I ever knew. The grit in me lived in him first and in his father before him.
  2. Believe in your ability to learn, grow, and adapt.
  3. Reflect on behaviors that aren’t serving you well. Quit what isn’t working. Focus on what is.
  4. Repeat behaviors that give you energy.
  5. Keep big goals in the back of your mind and next steps in the front of your mind.
  6. Think in terms of weeks not days; months not weeks; years not months.
  7. Think a little about how far you’ve come and a lot about what’s next.
  8. Focus more on the process and less on the result.
  9. Remember the quitters you have known.
  10. Concentrate on something you can change.
  11. Take a break. Have some fun.
  12. Realize that your purpose has many expressions.

You matter more than you think. Your grit strengthens others. When you quit, it makes others feel like quitting. Energy spent beating yourself down sabotages progress. You aren’t good at everything, but weakness in one area isn’t weakness in all areas. Compensate for your weaknesses and maximize your strengths.


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