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Senior Correspondent

A political candidate, facing what is believed to be a close election, hedges his/her bets. Two speeches are drafted. One graciously thanks supporters for their hard work throughout the campaign, while congratulating his/her victorious opponent. But in the back pocket is a second speech, humbly accepting the victory and making a commitment to serve all the people. I have personally both won and lost municipal elections, and if I didn’t have written prepared responses of what I would say in either case, they were clearly in my mind.

Pity this poor amateur columnist. The election was yesterday, and this week’s column had to be finished and filed three or four days ago. Since I suffer from dyslexia and wouldn’t dare submit anything for publication without having it first carefully checked, this adds a couple more days to the process.

But I sat up most of last night asking what had happened. I don’t yet have a clue. So I really have nothing more to say, and using what wisdom I still possess, I think I’ll just quit here for this week and wait a few days until the smoke clears.

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