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Senior Correspondent

How to Reach the Ultimate Goal of Leadership

How to Reach the Ultimate Goal of Leadership


Getting things done is the lesser goal of leadership.

The ultimate goal of leadership is nothing less than transformation.

The biggest roadblock to transformation, within organizations, is the false belief that information is transformation.

4 things transformation isn’t:

  1. Information. Information apart from changed behavior results in arrogance – the end of transformation.
  2. Coercion. You can force compliance, but transformation requires freedom.
  3. Reorganization. The danger of reorganizing the same boxes is it feels like transformation.
  4. Teaching. Transformation is learning, not teaching.

7 keys to personal transformation:

  1. Letting go and taking hold is the process of transformation. The hardest part of transformation is letting go.
  2. People transform. Choose your friends with your future in mind. Influence is the channel of transformation.
  3. Service transforms the server. Transform yourself by freely serve others.
  4. Not-knowing, opens the door to transformation for everyone with the courage to step beyond easy answers. “Knowing,” that isn’t growing, is dying.
  5. Trying new things and evaluating the process transforms us.
  6. Failure, more than success, transforms us. The danger of success is satisfaction.
  7. Frustration is transformation’s invitation. Prolonged frustration is transformation yelling at the top of it’s voice.

Transformation is illusion apart from change.

7 keys to participate in transforming others:

  1. No strings. Jeremie Kubicek told me this morning, “People must know you are for them,” if you hope to participate in their transformation. High influence leaders, seek the highest good of others.
  2. Shared goals, values, and beliefs.
  3. Instruction. Transformation often begins with compliance to instructions. You begin by doing what you’re told.
  4. Modeling.
  5. Opportunities for practice where failure is accepted, even expected.
  6. Stretch assignments.
  7. Evaluation, feedback, and reflection.

7 ways to spot a candidate ready for transformation:

Aspiration precedes transformation.

  1. Desire to be better.
  2. Dissatisfaction.
  3. Willingness to not-know.
  4. Intelligence.
  5. Self-awareness.
  6. Trust. We resist those we don’t trust.
  7. Bias toward action.

How might leaders transform themselves?

How might leaders participate in the transformation of others?

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