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Senior Correspondent

It is hard for me to understand why today there are so few people in the middle about politics. They are either on the right or the left, worse yet, some do not care. I always was one to be willing to understand the other person's opinion, and considered myself to be in the middle. To be in the middle was taught to me by my father, when he was central committee man for the Democratic party in our Township. After making calls all day for a Democrat, mother was alarmed to see he was wearing a gold pin for Republican Herbert Hoover. My father only smiled, saying that F.D.R. was too liberal and he could not support him. He proudly wore the pin to all meetings he attended. It must not have bothered his Democrat friends, because they re-elected him back for the same job with no competition. He had an understanding of both sides and acted how he felt. What do you think, was he in the middle? Do you think people try to understand both sides today? 

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